Terms & Conditions


EFFECTIVE DATE: 2nd of August 2018

The following are the Terms and Conditions (“T&C”) for customers of the Slotpartners Affiliate Program (“AP”) presented on this website. By signing up as an affiliate of ‘Slotpartners’ (“Affiliate”) these T&C are representing the basic legal agreement between the Affiliate and Dicore Ltd as the owner of ‘Slotpartners’ and the legal representative of the Affiliate Program. Dicore Ltd is a Cyprus based company and operates the Affiliate Program for the products of ‘Slotpartners’.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before joining theAffiliate Program. By using this website and/or registering as an affiliate with theAffiliate Program the affiliate agrees to be bound by these T&C. Thereafter ensure to read these T&C periodically as ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ will make to the affiliate announced changes to them from time to time. The affiliate will be bound by these changes.

Participation in the Affiliate Program is prohibited if the applicant is not of legal age to form a binding contract with ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’, or is otherwise precluded from participating in the Affiliate Program under the laws of the country in which the applicant is resident.

The applicant hereby accepts the appointment as Dicore Ltd Affiliate and is bound by the English version of the T&C found on the site www.slotpartners.com. Upon activation of the Affiliate account, and subject to the English version of the T&C, ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ hereby grants to the Affiliate a License for the Term to: (i) to promote in the Internet on one or several domain name/s the Affiliate Program products and services; (ii) to access the Affiliate Program management back-end; and (iii) use the by the Affiliate Program or its peers provided marketing materials for the exclusive benefit of Dicore Ltd. With participation in the Affiliate Program the Affiliate acknowledges the acceptance of these T&C without any alterations nor limitations.

The Affiliate is responsible for providing to ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ complete and accurate personal and contact information upon registration of which the Affiliate hereby consents to the data being submitted to and processed by ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’. The Affiliate is obliged to keep this information up to date. ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ are authorized to apply further ID verification measures in order to comply with the KYC “Know-Your-Customer” guidelines.

The Affiliate must agree to receive communication on a regular/ad-hoc basis from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ communicated with the specific intention to assist or help improve the Affiliate referrals to Slotpartners. The Affiliate may opt-out at anytime on receiving a communication from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ or let his/her Affiliate Manager know that no such communication is required in future.

Full details on ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ privacy policy regarding affiliates can be obtained by emailing their affiliate manager or by visiting our privacy policy page.

The Affiliate acknowledges that the Products, Tools, Marketing Materials, Copyright and Intellectual Property will at all times remain the property of ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’. The Affiliate acknowledges that it has no claim or right of whatever nature in and to the Ownership and Intellectual Property, other than those provided in terms of the License.

You always need permission from ‘‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ to use any domainname associated with the products of ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ for promotional purposes. When you have permission from the ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ Management you are not allowed to promote other products than the ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ products on that particular site.

Affiliate shall not attempt to open more than one Affiliate account without prior written consent from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ or the affiliate managers of ‘‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’.

‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ will facilitate the payment of the Commission to the Affiliate based on the Wager Profit model and the Affiliate’s commission plan. The Commission Plan can be found on www.slotpartners.com and becomes in his always current form an integral part of these T&C. The Affiliate accepts that the paid commission represents the full compensation for its marketing and service activities and acknowledges, that the ownership of the customer relationship and of all generated or of otherwise acquired customer data is to 100% on side of Dicore Ltd/’Slotpartners’ and that the customer relations and customer data are representing a business secret of ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ and which falls under the Intellectual Property of Dicore Ltd and Slotpartners.

After approval from ‘‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ you can work according to a different payment plan if this will improve the promotion of our products. An adjusted payment plan needs to be agreed for a certain period and confirmed by the management of ‘‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’. When this period has expired both parties have the choice to extend the period or stop the agreement. When the agreement will be terminated you will return to the payment plan you were working on before the agreement or to the standard payment plan.

The Affiliate always needs permission from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ management to promote the products of ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ on sites or other channels which are not related to online gaming. Before any product  of ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ is promoted the Affiliate must gain consent from any third party that it wishes to promote to in adherence to all Data Protection Laws.

‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ reserves the right to revisit a Commission deal whenever its Brands and/or Products are removed from the Affiliate’s site(s) or other sources. The following changes will apply:
– The commission for Revenue Share deals will be set to 25%
– The CPA amount for CPA deals will be set to 25% of the previously agreed CPA amount
– For Hybrid deals, the Revenue Share part will be set to 25% and the CPA amount will be set to 25% of the previously agreed CPA amount
Slotpartners reserves the right to close or terminate an Affiliate account and cease payment of any Commissions in the event of no activity for a period of 12 months. (Affiliate account has produced 3 or fewer valid NDPs over the course of 12 months. For an NDP to be deemed valid, the first deposit of the Player must occur within 30 days after the Player’s initial registration).
Termination of an Affiliate account will be done automatically and without informing the Affiliate. If the Affiliate wishes to continue using the account, it is the Affiliate’s sole responsibility to contact Slotpartners regarding this matter.

If ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ and Affiliate agree in a Negotiated Plan and/or in an IO to pay the Affiliate solely a CPA Commission with respect to any Customers, once the CPA Commission has been paid with respect to such Customers, we shall not be liable to pay the Affiliate any further Commission with respect to such Customers

‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ reserves the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally in the case of the appointed affiliate manager, or team leader of’Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’, being unable to contact the Affiliate via the main registered email address on their account for a period of three consecutive months.

‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ reserves the right to suspend the Affiliate’s account and stop calculating commission if invalid information or promotions are shown on their marketing sources. In such a case, if the Affiliate fails to reply to notifications from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ within 1 month, then the Affiliate Agreement will be declared null and void, and any unpaid commissions will be confiscated and the Affiliate account closed indefinitely.

The Affiliate acknowledge and agree that our measurements and calculations in relation to the number of Customers and the calculation of Commission and Sub Affiliate Fee shall be final and any further review of those figures shall be at our own discretion.

The calculation of the revenue share deal for our brands is as follows:
Commission = Net revenue X revenue share percentage
Net revenue = Gross revenue (bets – winnings) – admin fee – bonuses – jackpot contribution – possible chargeback – possible taxes.

‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ has a No Negative Carry Over policy. An affiliate’s monthly payable balance is automatically reset to 0 Euros at the beginning of each calendar month if the balance is negative. The negative balance is not carried over to the following month

Big Winner Policy
The Big Winner Policy will come into effect when:
A player generates a negative commission-able revenue of €5000 or more, on any product or game. In such a case the player will be considered to be a Big Winner (or High Roller) and will be added to the Win Bin list.
If above criteria is met, the negative commission-able revenue generated by the Big Winner will be isolated until the player reached the -€5000 balance again.
All players subject to the Big Winner Policy will be visible to Affiliates under the ‘Win Bin’ list.
Any Big Winner Policy balance carried forward will not be set-off against other customers referred by the affiliate.
Progressive Jackpot Big Winners, for whom jackpot winnings are paid to the customers by third parties are excluded from the Big Winner Policy.
In the open period when a Big Winner customer surpasses the negative commission-able revenue of €5000, the Affiliate will begin earning commission for that customer again automatically.
If there is more than one Big Winner, each Big Winner will carry forward his own negative balance.

You will be paid on a monthly basis, provided the amount payable to you is not less than €300. If this minimum amount is not reached in a particular month, we will be entitled to withhold payment and carry the amount due to you to the next calendar month and so on, until the minimum amount is reached.

An invoice and a commission calculation is deemed accepted and agreed by you unless a claim or objection is submitted by email to: [email protected] within 5 calendar days from the date of invoice.

In the giving of effect his/her membership of the Affiliate Program, the Affiliate may not, either directly or indirectly, be a party to the generation, processing, dissemination or the like of email Spam.

An Affiliate may not be a party (whether directly or indirectly) to any Fraudulent Activity. The Affiliate may not directly or indirectly benefit from, or be a party to, any money laundering or related illegal activities. ‘’Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’’ has the right to withhold Affiliate Commissions that have been generated by fraudulent, criminal, or otherwise unethical methods or business practices.

Affiliates are not allowed to open directly or indirectly a player account for gambling against money using an affiliate ID of an affiliate account which is directly or indirectly under the Affiliate’s control or where the Affiliate is directly or indirectly the beneficiary of the Affiliate Commission. Commissions will not be paid for their activity. In this manner, Affiliates are restricted from earning commission from their own wagering.

You hereby recognize that any New Customer found to be a bonus abuser, money launderer or fraudster or who assists in any form of affiliate fraud (whether notified by you or later discovered by us) does not count as a valid New Customer under the Affiliate Agreement, and thereby no Commission shall be payable in relation to such New Customers.

An Affiliate always needs permission from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ to open a second affiliate account.

An Affiliate is not allowed to open a new affiliate account with a sub-affiliate link including their own tracking code.

An Affiliate must always be granted permission from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ to use pop-ups, pop-unders or any other marketing tools that lead to a significant number of clicks. If any Affiliate gets a high click through rate without significant conversion and the said Affiliate does not adhere to requests to put a stop to the aforementioned campaign, ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ is entitled to take action and block the Affiliate account immediately. Any marketing tools as mentioned above must only be promoted to third parties in full accordance with Data Protection Laws.

An Affiliate’s membership of the Affiliate Program can be terminated by ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ or an affiliate manager from ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ at any time should the Affiliate fail to comply with its obligations in accordance with the English version of the T&C.

‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ may refuse a new affiliate at ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ sole discretion if the affiliate’s website is unsuitable to market the products of Slotpartners. ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ may terminate the agreement with an affiliate if a serious breach of this agreement occurs. ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ will inform the affiliate about a detected breach of the agreement and allow the affiliate to correct detected irregularities within 8 days to avoid a termination of the agreement.

The licenses and permissions granted to you in The Agreement are non-transferrable and you are precluded from sub-licensing, assigning or otherwise attempting to transfer these to a third party without first obtaining the written permission of ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’. You also recognize that ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ and/or Our Brands shall at all times remain the sole owner(s) of this Intellectual Property, and you will at no time during the term of The Agreement or at any point thereafter contest this, or attempt to render this invalid or unenforceable.

The Affiliate is not allowed to sub-contract, assign or sub licence any of its rights or obligations under the agreement with ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’, without the prior written consent of ‘Dicore Ltd./Slotpartners’. Nonetheless, ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ is permitted to sub-contract, assign or sub licence any of its rights or obligations under the agreement with the Affiliate, without the prior written consent of the Affiliate

The Affiliate is not allowed to proceed with a Change of Control (as defined below), without the prior written consent of ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’. Change of Control of the Affiliate constitutes: (i) sale of all or substantially all the assets of the Affiliate; (ii) any merger, consolidation or acquisition of the Affiliate with, by or into another corporation, entity or person; (iii) or any change in the ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting capital stock of the Affiliate in one or more related transactions.

The Affiliate shall defend, indemnify, and hold ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ and their payment providers, suppliers, contractors, agents, their directors, officers, employees, and representatives harmless from and against any liabilities, losses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees.

‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ makes no express or implied warranties or representations with respect to the Affiliate Program. ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ will not be liable for direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages or for any loss, of any nature whatsoever.

All services, features and applications that are made available to the affiliate, including the products, tools and marketing materials, are provided “as is”. ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’, its agents, representatives, affiliates, network service providers, software providers, partners, or employees make no warranty to you or any other person or entity, whether express, implied, or statutory, as to the description, quality, title, merchantability, noninfringement, completeness, or fitness for a particular use or purpose as to any of the products, tools and marketing materials, or as to any other matter, all such warranties hereby being expressly excluded and disclaimed. you assume total responsibility and risk for your use of any products, tools and marketing materials.

In no event shall ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’, its agents, representatives, affiliates, network service providers, software providers, partners, or employees be liable to you or any third party in any respect for any costs or damages arising either directly or indirectly from your use of any products, tools or marketing materials, including without limitation any actual, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive, reliance or special damages, or for any loss of revenue, profits, use, data, goodwill or business opportunities of any kind or nature whatsoever, arising in any manner from any cause of action or claim relating to these terms and conditions or to the use of any casino (even if ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ has been advised of the possibility of such damages). this limitation of liability applies equally to any third parties with whom ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ enters into a binding agreement to market, display and/or distribute the casinos (or any derivation thereof) and such third parties shall not be liable to you or any other third party for any of the damages set forth above. These limitations of liability shall apply notwithstanding any failure of the essential purpose of any limited remedy. Such limitation shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law. ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’ entire liablity for any cause of action, whether in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise (except to the extent prohibited by law), shall not exceed one hundred (€100.00) euro.

Under no circumstances shall ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’, its agents, affiliates, network service providers, software providers, partners, representatives or employees be held liable for any delay or failure in usability and performance of the products, tools and marketing materials resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces, or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, internet failures, computer equipment failures, telecommunications equipment failures, electrical power failures, labour disputes, shortages of labour or materials, fires, floods, explosions, terrorist attacks, war or other acts of god.

These T&C will be governed by the laws of Cyprus, without reference to rules governing choice of laws. Any action relating to or arising from these T&C and an Affiliate’s membership of the Affiliate Program must be brought in Cyprus and the Affiliate irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of its courts.

No purported modifications, amendments, alterations, additions, deletions or interlineations of these T&C or the commission schedule by the affiliate are permitted or will be recognized by ‘Dicore Ltd/Slotpartners’.